Mother Brain

Mother Brain
HP Def MDef XP TP Gold
3000 127 50 2500 40 3000

Light Water Fire Shadow Tossable
100% 100% 100% 100% No
No Status Vulnerabilities
Displays x3
HP Def MDef XP TP Gold
1 127 50 0 0 0

Light Water Fire Shadow Tossable
100% 100% 100% 100% No
Vulnerable to all Statuses


Mother Brain is supported by three Displays, which will constantly heal her for 1000 HP, meaning it can be difficult to deal enough damage to defeat her despite her relatively low HP. She has a Shadow-elemental laser attack that hits all party members. Defeating all of the Displays will cause Mother Brain to go berserk and unleash aggressive party-wide damage.

The Displays are susceptible to all status ailments, so Hypno Wave, Provoke, and Boogie can be great assets. If you can't disable the Displays with status effects, but can't deal damage faster than they can heal it, try killing two of them and leaving only one up to slow their pace. Unleash your best single-target or AoE techs against Mother Brain (most AoEs should only hit her and the Display directly behind her) and she should go down quickly.