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Keeper's Dome

Keeper's Dome is a location in 2300 AD. It is located south of the Sewers and southwest of Death Peak.

Keeper's Dome is visited as part of Black Omen Go Mode. Take the Pendant, Clone and C. Trigger Key Items and talk to Belthasar the Nu in the back. He will deploy Poyozo units to assist you in climbing Death Peak.

Additionally, Keeper's Dome has a console at which the player can rename the Epoch, should they so desire. Squeeze past the front Nu and interact with the console to access the rename menu.


  Game Mode:
  Standard: Pendant and completion of the Prison sequence, Clone, and C. Trigger.
  Lost Worlds: Clone, and C. Trigger.
  Legacy of Cyrus: Inaccessible.
  Ice Age: Accessible but not part of any Go Mode.
keepers_dome.1657507605.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/01/12 00:24 (external edit)