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Crono's Weapons

Weapon Power Effect Tier +/-
Wood Sword 3
Iron Sword 7 Low
Steel Saber 15 Low
Lode Sword 20 Passable
Bolt Sword 25 Passable
Red Katana 30 Magic +2 Passable
Flint Edge 40 Mid
Dark Saber 50 Mid
Aeon Blade 70 Mid
Slasher 70 Speed +2 Good +
Demon Edge 90 1.5 dmg to magical beings Good
Alloy Blade 110 Good
Star Sword 125 High
Vedic Blade 135 High
Swallow 145 Speed +3 Awesome
Kali Blade 150 High
Slasher II 155 Awesome
Shiva Edge 170 4x crit damage Awesome
Rainbow 220 70% crit rate Awesome
weapons.1642560381.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/01/12 00:24 (external edit)